Social Media Management + Paid Social Ads

You have probably heard and seen the importance of having your business on Social Media. It might not be enough to purely post and engage with your followers and not advertise on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, Tiktok and YouTube.

Ultimately, the goal of using social media for business is to grow exposure, generate leads, create brand awareness and drive sales revenue. At Outsource Virtual Marketing, we build strategic social funnels that attract consumers to your company, educate them and convert followers into clients.

We analyze your target customers and design content that is creative ,engaging and speaks to your brand’s image using a distinctive voice that resonates with your customers and drives leads. We believe that accountability is key in this line of business so we provide reporting and analytics walk with you through the whole journey!

We also leverage every paid social platform to engage the most relevant audiences and tap into emerging ones. Platforms like Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Google, You Tube and Twitter hold the key to  connecting you to prospective customers. Our team merges creativity with data and audience segmentation, targeting and product positioning to meet customers with the right ad at the right time. We optimize ad campaigns to increase return on investments and utilize the latest AI and machine learning to find out what works.

This is how we do it

  1. Carry out a social media audit of your company and get to know your business objectives

  2. We study patterns and characteristics of your ideal customer.

  3. We create an avatar of your ideal customer

  4. We segment your customers according to behavior, demographics, geographic location and psychographic variables

  5. We come up with a target market for your business

  6. Position your business for impact on social media

  7. We choose the best platforms for your business

  8. We set up a content calendar and create content

  9. We use all the information we got in the initial stages to set up converting social media advertisements to help your business grow exponentially.